Jan 30, 2013

Strange Men

They take their leisure time
they take their flicks of woman that
prance back and forth along the sidewalk gray.
They sit. They stand. They stare.
Open. Closed.
They laugh among themselves as if they were in
on the biggest secret known to man.

The cement and the broken glass below.
The loose electrical wires and cloudy skies above.
"Wonder what new creature will past?" they ask.
I wonder what new creature will past their street.
What new topic can they turn on their tongues.
Tongues that are numb from the cold $2 beer.
Tongues accustom to the dry, calming draws of
their slender cigarettes.
Who can pity them? Who can ignore them?

As the sun settle again back to its safe retreat,
these men draw in air one last time and
look onward inside for their next

Jan 26, 2013

What If?

What if? What if its true?
What if its out there?
What if all that I've been waiting for is just waiting for me?
What if I walked passed my golden door?What if I've been walking passed it for so long?
Who's out there?
Who's waiting?
I don't see you but
I see myself.

2013 (c) Misa Ney

Jan 7, 2013


Fuck it. I’ll admit it. I’m trying to
reach perfection. Perfect this.
 Perfect that. Hoping that this perfection
will settle the sand to the bottom and clear
the muddy water, so  I can enjoy the perfect life.
And the perfect lover, perfect homes, perfect
cars, with perfect friends with perfect
light and perfect walkway as
I dance across the floor.
Even the perfect mike, so I sing,
that sad, pitiful like no more.

Yes I’m trying to attain it.
I've even read the books
sat on my bottom, trying to contain it.
Sat Indian style, trying to inhale it.
Pretty perfect picture – Buddah, Jesus, Krishna,
a flower, a stone. I still seem planets away from perfection.
Yet I enjoy looking at it. Every part of it as I walk down the street.
I grab a little here, take a whiff there, listen to some of it
But really
the only thing perfect is …..this…. moment.
As the lotus opens up and float downstream,
reaching every corner without much harm,
it blooms even more beautifully, relieved
that it was made perfect for this moment.

(c) 2013 Misa Ney