Dec 14, 2011

Breaking news: your relative emotionally disturbs another relative; boyfriend/girlfriend leaves you..

Soapbox: Breaking news: your relative emotionally disturbs another relative; boyfriend/girlfriend leaves you; you are laid off;  or any scenario that can fit.

During this time you’ll come across those that are strong and weak.
You’ll come across those who come more judgmental than they act.
Those who can  keep their word, those putting effort, and those not even close.
Those who are willing to accept help will accept it. Those too scared or to proud may not. 
Those who are close to you may not be so close, i.e. relatives. While on the flipside bonding relationship will be forged and developed. Why? Because it life. Nothing stays gloomy forever. Seasons change. Human change and grow (sometimes). And life brings change if we are open to it. More reclined to notice the negative, then you’ll see that more played out. If you spot the upside, then hey! you see more of what you like ‘more often than not.’
Never despair, never quit. Look for a rainbow in every storm because the perspective you view the world effect how life treats you.

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