May 17, 2012

Gray hair at 25?! Weak Knees but you don't play!

Have we lost our minds, nowadays we're racing so hard to 'get 'em' - [insert tangible/ intangible object you desire here] - we forget to get ourselves aligned. In line? No aligned - to our truths, our  "personal legends", our core, our spirit, our soul, our-selves - however you name it. What ever is natural, true and feels genuinely, authenically good to you. When was the last time you took a breather for you? Not for your kids, or spouse or significant other or your mama. I mean you.

"Life is chill, I'm good, sis" - so you say. Living on the fast lane, but your lane has no exits to  stop and check yourself ... or your tires matter of fact.

I see an epidemic of young 20 and 30 year olds commuters with sprouts of gray hair. First off there is nothing wrong with grey hairs. Absolutely nothing, it normal and natural so why fret. We'll all get any way its part of life. In fact, Gennifer Miller can give you the science behind grey hairs over at Healthy Textures.  I even discovered a strand myself last year. ;) Yup. But I wonder, maybe these commuters have entered to an episode of enlightenment and have embraced all life has to offer so quickly. I mean goodness, I didn't know you were so in touch with your spiritual-feminine-masculine side. Let me know! But why do I feel this is not even close to the reason.  It could be your relentless passion, maybe exhaustion as you fight for social justice, or duty to get those kids in working order or extra,extra long hours, and I can even forget the high stress environment or those who can't say "no" to anything? 

Who am I to tell you to stop. You're going to go anyway. Keep on going ... to where ever you're going to. Go. But if you're planning to reach somewhere real quick, or achieve something at the rate you're going (remember those 8 hours of sleep - you don't?) don't be crying up to the sky when 
a)body breaks down with exhaustion and feel dis-ease "How did I get this flu?"
b) you're cutting corners in every part of your life, to get by "Jack, I thought we promised.."
c) increase frustration, anger, complaints towards everyone - ok the world 
d)love life is sinking or maybe at least rocking unhappily....

Since you have to go, could you at least consider:

You don't have to start from the beginning or fast forward to the end. All you is required is to pause, stop for a while and then resume.

As Alan Davidson mentions in his wonderful post "there is a fine line between efficiency and burnout.. It is our focused intention that sets this kind of pause apart. The power of our intention is source of tremendous energy in, and of itself. It is simply remembering, on a regular and consistent basis throughout the day to completely unplug from the all-consuming tasks at hand:
a chaotic workday fraught with calls, meetings, and deadlines; demanding children, navigating the stresses of family and relationships; driving in traffic; balancing the demands of personal life and community service, or fighting for social justice."

Goodness, can you imgaine unplugging... 

So you want to go, don't you? If you want to go farther, better, stronger, higher - pause.
Here's  how:

Top 9 Ways You Can Pause
•    a few minutes of breathing or meditation - you breathe anyway why not be aware of it
•    a brief set of stretches, sit-ups, or push-ups - age doesn't matter
•    going to the gym - remember those?
•    a dance, yoga, or aerobics class - lets add zumba, ballroom dancing, dancing with your pets, grand kids
•    reading a juicy novel - there are some talented people that can scramble some words together let me tell you
•    a phone call to an inspiring friend or a loving family member - you are never alone
•    a walk outdoors in nice weather is mighty helpful- or around your apartment floor, or pretend to go the corner store
•    a nap -  if you dare, you might actually feel good
•    savoring a healthy meal - if you can't gift your body some real food maybe we need to sit down and re-prioritze...
Give me a break. Give you a break? Don't underestimate 90 seconds of pausing. 90 seconds, 10 mintues, 1 day, or a week of pausing. I think in this country a week of pausing is called a vacation. And they only allow 2 weeks. [shaking my head].

Pause every day, a tiny bit, and you'll have more vibrant, alive, self- restored body of energy.

peace & love.  Misa

Do you pause in your life? If not or are you willing to?

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